15 March 2024
11:00am to 12:30pm
Virtual Live Event
The second webinar of the The impact of the SEEC Credit Level Descriptors series. The SEEC’s Credit Level Descriptors are the most detailed descriptors for assessing levels of academic learning and are widely used by HE providers across the UK.
The webinar will explain how the use of the SEEC Credit Level Descriptors contributed to the achievement of the following objectives:
· To provide guidance that can be used by individual police forces and Higher Education Providers (HEPs) to apply to their PCDA provision in the context of their local requirements
· To establish a consistent basis for RPL that will enable individuals to access full-time and part-time PCDA routes with ‘advanced standing’
The approach is now being used to develop recognition of the new Police Constable Entry Programme (PCEP) to facilitate progression to the PCDA through RPL.
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