Our second web session took place today with a focus on the ESFA updated Coronavirus Response Guidelines published earlier this week.
As with our first session, input from colleagues across the country resulted in some practical ideas for everyone to implement :
1. With thanks to Jo Phillips at Staffs, we will be adapting Jo’s template for employers and apprentices to confirm arrangements for Furloughed Apprentices
2. This will include some of the key principles about what being Furloughed means for employers and apprentices as suggested by Peter Train at Cumbria last week
This FURLOUGH TEMPLATE will be ready and available for use on Tuesday morning.
4. We’ll also be taking our ongoing issues about flexibility in EPA to the IfATE, payment of training elements within the 20 % EPA payment to the ESFA and continuing with our work on getting a response on how to handle to different scenarios as they emerge.
Today’s session also included an update on policy and consultations from Adrian Anderson, UVAC CEO , on latest and in particular the review of the Senior Leader Apprenticeship. We need case studies – contact Adrian at [email protected] if you can help.
The updated FAQ document arising from the latest guidance and this week’s forum questions will also be available on Tuesday. In the mean time, you can listen to the 9 April web forum session HERE and download the slide pack HERE
FRIDAY 17 April at 12.00
We are anticipating further guidance next week so if you’d like to hear the latest guidance, views and news, join us on Friday 17th April at 12 noon – 1pm: REGISTER HERE
To help manage the volume of queries and shape the topics for the forum, let us know about your latest issues, queries or your advice to pass on (particularly when this has come from an official source).
Also use the forum to ask for advice from others facing exactly the same issues.
Either :
Send your questions in advance to [email protected] or
Raise your question in advance through the COVID-19 Impact Discussion using the button on the front page of the CDA Home Page
On Friday we’ll also start to think about key topics for recovery in future, so that we can raise our suggestions for how we can rebuild our higher and degree programmes as early as possible. We’ll also have more from Adrian Anderson on policy and consultation and as ever, time for you to tell us what you know….
[email protected]
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