Posted : 4 years4 months ago by mandy crawford-lee

UVAC Membership Fees and Membership Renewals for 2020/21

UVAC Membership Fees and Membership Renewals for 2020/21

UVAC Membership Fees for 2020/21 will remain at the same level as 2019/20. That is:

HEIs with 10,000 or more students – £2,825.00

HEIs with fewer than 10,000 students – £2,055.00

To renew your institution’s membership please ensure your institution completes and returns a membership renewal form found HERE.  UVAC’s membership year runs from 1 August to 31 July.

If your institution simply isn’t able to make a payment at the point of renewal or within a reasonable time frame then if you wish to remain in membership to enjoy the benefits it gives then might we request you send a formal letter confirming that the fee will follow and when? For a discussion contact [email protected].

Uncertainty is the key word for 2020/21.  HEIs will undoubtedly face massive challenges with a decline in international students and uncertainty regarding other programmes.  Apprenticeship and skills, however, remains a priority for Government.  Higher education should have a central role in supporting economic recovery through Apprenticeship, skills provision and technical education. UVAC is committed to ensuring HEIs continue to be able to play a full and optimum role in Apprenticeship and skills provision through our extensive lobbying and membership support activities.


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