Posted : 7 years5 months ago by mandy crawford-lee

FREE WORKSHOP – ESFA Apprenticeship Funding Rules and UVAC Template HEI and Employer Apprenticeship Contract

FREE WORKSHOP – ESFA Apprenticeship Funding Rules and UVAC Template HEI and Employer Apprenticeship Contract

Sheffield Hallam University – Monday 12th June 10.30 a.m. – 3.30 p.m.

10.30 – 12.30 Funding Rules Session

The workshop’s morning session will feature a resume of the Funding Rules and a Q&A session.

1.30 – 3.30 Template Contract Session

The afternoon session will feature a review of the UVAC Template HEI and Employer Apprenticeship Contract, its use and application led by the commissioned solicitor.

Numbers limited.  We would ask that institutions book only one place. 

Registration is via Eventbrite

HE Provider Support – In response to requests from HEIs at the ESFA/UVAC new Apprenticeship provider briefing on 7th April and as part of UVAC’s HEFCE funded Degree Apprenticeship Support Programme UVAC has commissioned a solicitor to:

  • Produce a Template Apprenticeship Contract between an HEI and Employer – The template contract will be available free of charge to any HE provider delivering Higher and/or Degree Apprenticeship.  The template is being developed specifically for HEIs and those engaged in the delivery of Degree Apprenticeships.


  • Produce a Template Sub-contact – This is being developed in partnership with the AoC.


  • Deliver a Workshop for Degree Apprenticeship Providers on the relationship between Training Provider and Employer under the ESFA Funding Rules. This workshop will cover:


What the Funding Rules say about Training Provider/Employer relationship


What should go into the written agreement/key issues


How the template contract is structured/should be used.

The solicitor has already developed a similar template contract for the Association of College (AoC) for use by Further Education Colleges (FECs) delivering Apprenticeship. We are also exploring the development of a sub-contractor contract, to be developed in partnership with the AoC.


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