The ESFA have announced that from early July 2018, levy-paying employers will be able to make transfers to as many employers as they choose, providing that their overall transferred fund value is below the 10% ceiling. Currently, levy-paying employers can transfer funds to only one other organisation.
You can view the announcement on .GOV.UK HERE
Once we have sight of the full changes to the Apprenticeship Service, which also include additions to the reporting pages, we will schedule a webinar to support implementation and to aid explaining these changes to employers.
If you have any queries relating to the announcement, please email me at [email protected]
4 days ago, Mandy Crawford-Lee
5 days ago, Samuel Taylor
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UVAC’s DAKNs provide collaborative forums across a range of subject areas;
-HE Tripartite Professionals
-Management and Leadership Apprenticeships: Doctoral Studies
-Senior Leader
-Quality Network
-Social Work Network
-PCDA Network
-Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship
Booking info -
Our theme for #UVAC2024 6 Nov is Back to the future in higher technical and professional education and skills & our programme includes:
✔️ 5 keynotes
✔️ 2 whole conference presentations
✔️ 12 breakouts
It is a ‘must attend’ event.
Reasons you should book your #UVAC2024 ticket today!
✔️ 20+ sector experts presenting
✔️ 12 workshop sessions
✔️ Connect with like-minded professionals
✔️ In Person & Online conference expo
✔️ Access to event recordings for all delegates