Posted : 5 years5 months ago by mandy crawford-lee

UVAC HEI Centre for Apprenticeships – Developing and Embedding a Higher Education Apprenticeship Culture

UVAC HEI Centre for Apprenticeships – Developing and Embedding a Higher Education Apprenticeship Culture

Exciting news and development!

Over the next 12 months UVAC will be developing a more interactive part of its website. This will focus on a new but ‘virtual’ HEI Centre for Apprenticeships, funded by an Edge Foundation sponsored project led by Middlesex University working with Sheffield Hallam University and Staffordshire University.

The focus of the Centre will be to support and embed an Apprenticeship culture and systems within institutions.  This will complement UVAC’s work to:

  • Campaign for and raise the profile and benefits of Higher and Degree Apprenticeship
  • Provide operational Higher and Degree Apprenticeship support e.g. applying to the ESFA RoATP and RoEPAO, compliance and audit, contracting, end point assessment and meeting the quality assurance requirements of OfS, QAA and Ofsted
  • Support the publication of research papers on Apprenticeship in UVAC’s peer reviewed academic journal Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning published by Emerald (don’t forget to take advantage of your free access to all current and back copies of the journal if you are a UVAC member institution).

The UVAC HEI Centre for Apprenticeship will support research, networking, webinars, expert briefings, exchange of good practice and case studies focused on:

  • Employer Engagement – how to work with employers to ensure Higher and Degree Apprenticeship (linked to the provision of Apprenticeship at other levels and other training programmes) delivers business benefits, based on developing the skills of new and existing employees
  • Progression, Social Justice and Social Mobility –how Higher and Degree Apprenticeship supports widening access to higher education and progression to the professions/higher level occupations
  • International Culture and Curriculum Support – central to the above, how institutions can develop an institution wide culture, structure, systems and approaches that ensures the long-term success and sustainability of Higher and Degree Apprenticeship, particularly in the context of curriculum development and pedagogy using work-based and blended learning often in partnership with FECs and ITPs.

More information on the Edge Funded project can be found here.

Initially activities will include a specific focus on disseminating the work of the three project partner institutions, Middlesex University, Sheffield Hallam University and Staffordshire University. For further information email Adrian Anderson [email protected]



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