Posted : 13 years10 months ago by adriananderson

SEEC event – An introduction to credit and credit frameworks

SEEC event – An introduction to credit and credit frameworks

Date: 2nd June  2011

Time: 10:30 am – 3:00 pm



Venue: Clore Seminar Room, Women’s Library, London Metropolitan University, Old Castle Street, London, E1 7NT

Target audience

This seminar is designed for staff working in HE, FE, Awarding Organisations, Sector Skills Councils, and Professional Associations who are new or relatively new to credit, credit frameworks and their uses.


The use of credit to define learning has become widespread with a wealth of reference points including the FHEQ, Dublin descriptors, the QCF, SEEC level descriptors.  This session is designed to introduce credit and its uses in HE settings.

Intended outcomes

Participants will gain an understanding of:

  • Credit and its definition
  • UK and European frameworks for credit
  • The role of the SEEC descriptors
  • The uses of credit
  • Institutional policies and their variations
  • Topical issues in credit and its use

For more information, price and to book, go to the event webpage.