Posted : 5 years5 months ago by mandy crawford-lee

Contract Templates – UPDATED

Contract Templates – UPDATED

Now available for members, updated contract templates:

  1. Training Provider – Employer
  2. Training Provider – Sub-contractor
  3. Training Provider – End Point Assessment Organisation

For copies please contact Adrian [email protected].

Below, for your information, is a table of amendments to reflect 2019/2020 ESFA Funding Rules

Training Provider and Employer – Apprenticeship Training Services agreement

Clause Amendment Why?
1.1 Definition of Apprenticeship Agreement updated To reflect the changes clarification of the funding rules at P26
1.1 Definition of Break in Learning updated To reflect the flowchart provided in the funding rules at P265
1.1 Definition of ESFA contingency updated To reflect the new references to the funding rules
1.1 Definition of Funding Rules updated To change the link from the 2018/2019 rules to the 2019/2020 rules
4.1.6(j) Requirement extended Requires the Employer provides the total number of off-the-job training hours agreed for the full apprenticeship, this is to ensure the Training Provider is able to provide this information to the ESFA in accordance with the new rule P52
4.2.6 Additional clause Requires the employer to notify the Training Provider when an Apprentice wishes to terminate their employment, this I to ensure the Training Provider can make arrangements to terminate the training so that it is in compliance with rule 249
4.2.7 Additional clause Requires the employer to notify the Training Provider when an Apprentices employment ceases, this I to ensure the Training Provider can make arrangements to terminate the training so that it is in compliance with rule 249
9.5.1 Reference to funding rule amended To reflect change in numbering of the funding rules
Schedule 1 Addition of new clause 4 Requirement to provide associated Regulatory Body. This is to satisfy the new Rule P14 which requires an apprenticeship delivery must not take place without approval from an associated regulatory body where needed.
Schedule 1 Addition of new clause 15 Requirement to confirm EPAO has been agreed in principle, this is because new Rule 98 requires this must be in place before public funding can be accessed.
Appendix A Addition of Appendix A Requirement to provide a Statement of Expectations when working with subcontractors.  This is to satisfy the new Rules P170, P179, P180.8 and P190.


Training Provider and Subcontractor – Subcontract for Apprenticeship Training Services

Clause Amendment Why?
1.1 Definition of Apprenticeship Agreement updated To reflect the changes clarification of the funding rules at P26
1.1 Definition of Break in Learning updated To reflect the flowchart provided in the funding rules at P265
1.1 Definition of ESFA contingency updated To reflect the new references to the funding rules
1.1 Definition of Funding Rules updated To change the link from the 2018/2019 rules to the 2019/2020 rules
1.1 Definition of Funding Year updated To reflect dates in the 2019/2020 rules
4.3.4 Additional clause Requires the subcontractor to notify the Training Provider when it becomes aware or suspicious that an Apprentice or Employer wishes to terminate their employment, this I to ensure the Training Provider can make arrangements to terminate the training so that it is in compliance with rule 249
4.4 Additional wording added Requires the Subcontractor undertakes that it satisfies one of the three conditions to be eligible to provide the services to the Training Provider.
Schedule 1 Addition of new clause 4 Requirement to provide associated Regulatory Body. This is to satisfy the new Rule P14 which requires an apprenticeship delivery must not take place without approval from an associated regulatory body where needed.
Appendix A Addition of Appendix A Requirement to provide a Statement of Expectations when working with subcontractors.  This is to satisfy the new Rules P170, P179, P180.8 and P190. 


Training Provider and EPAO – Contract for Apprenticeship End Point Assessment Services

Clause Amendment Why?
1.1 Definition of Apprenticeship Agreement updated To reflect the changes clarification of the funding rules at P26
1.1 Definition of ESFA contingency updated To reflect the new references to the funding rules
1.1 Definition of Funding Rules updated To change the link from the 2018/2019 rules to the 2019/2020 rules
Schedule 1 Addition of new clause 4 Requirement to provide associated Regulatory Body. This is to satisfy the new Rule P14 which requires an apprenticeship delivery must not take place without approval from an associated regulatory body where needed.
Appendix A Addition of Appendix A Requirement to provide a Statement of Expectations when working with subcontractors.  This is to satisfy the new Rules P170, P179, P180.8 and P190.