Posted : 11 years5 months ago by adriananderson

UVAC supports Northumbria University in Higher Apprenticeship Feasibility Study

UVAC supports Northumbria University in Higher Apprenticeship Feasibility Study

UVAC is providing advice and support to Northumbria University on a University-wide feasibility study looking at the potential introduction of a model to support Higher Apprenticeship development within the University.

UVAC has previously worked with the National Apprenticeship Service (NAS) and BIS to consult and advise on the modifications to the Specification of Apprenticeship Standards for England (SASE) for Higher Apprenticeship and was subsequently  commissioned to work (with others) to develop guidance to support Apprenticeship framework developers revise, develop and approve frameworks in line with the new standards.  This places UVAC in a unique position to offer expertise and guidance to inform the Northumbria University study.

UVAC has provided the University’s project steering group and operational group with extensive briefings and papers on Higher Apprenticeships as well as detailed information on potential occupational areas for Northumbria to pursue, in line with their stated sectors of interest.

Northumbria University’s Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive, Professor Andrew Wathey said:  “The University’s Higher Apprenticeships project is moving apace, working with representatives from a variety of sectors who are keen to support emerging apprenticeships at graduate and postgraduate level.  With UVAC’s support, and where there is employer demand, the University will continue to explore the potential to offer Higher Apprenticeship programmes.”   

Lucy Winskell, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Business and Engagement) added: “At Northumbria University we understand the need for Higher Education (HE) programmes to be absolutely relevant to industry and business needs.

“Higher Apprenticeships offer a workable, flexible and accessible pathway into HE for workers who might otherwise not feel confident to manage academic studies alongside working commitments.

“The development of workable Higher Apprenticeships will establish a virtuous circle between Higher Education and business with each informing the other, to ensure graduates possess the skills required in the work place and that workers can access the life-changing opportunities offered by HE.”

Garth Rhodes, the Higher Apprenticeships Project Co-ordinator at Northumbria University added:

“We are delighted with expert support and guidance from UVAC during this project. With UVAC’s help, and working with employers, we have identified potential opportunities for Higher Apprenticeship programmes across the University.  With the extension of Higher Apprenticeship to levels 6 and 7, we are particularly keen to explore the potential to develop awards for Higher Apprentices, either as progression arrangements towards an academic award, or as new level 6 and 7 Higher Apprenticeships.”

To find out more about how UVAC can help you identify the potential for the development of Higher Apprenticeship at levels 4-7, please get in touch – [email protected]


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