There is still time to book your place at our national conference this year. We would love to see you there to celebrate our successes and achievements over the past 20 years :
You can choose from the following workshops:
Best Practice in Prior Learning and Initial Assessments for HEIs
Ofsted Inspection: what you need to know and do!
The Economic Impact of Increased Workforce Productivity: attributed to Apprenticeships from the perspective of the ROI to apprentices and employers
The role of an apprenticeship programme leader – the case of the PCDA
Using linked developmental processes of problem solving, experiential learning and research to develop and assess professional competencies
Delivering Apprenticeships in a University Environment – Seamless Integration or Two Worlds Collide? Findings from PhD research.
What you need to know. Hot Topics and More in Higher and Degree Apprenticeship Delivery.
University Challenge 2 (the Techies Tales): Using Aptem technology to manage track and comply with work-based delivery based on real life problems of implementing technology for HE apprenticeship delivery
Co-creating and Delivering the Product Design and Development Engineer Degree Apprenticeship with theUK’s leading technology company, Dyson Ltd
Addressing Diversity: from tender to launch –the Professional Economist Degree Apprenticeship in the UK Civil Service
Turning Your Practice –in technical and professional education and skills – into A Published Paper: Meet the editor of the UVAC Journal: Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning
The key to apprenticeship success: supercharging the student-employer-university experience
0 days ago, Mandy Crawford-Lee
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