Posted : 1 year 8 months ago by Mandy Crawford-Lee

UVAC National Conference Workshop Ideas: INVITATION

UVAC National Conference Workshop Ideas: INVITATION

Our hybrid day/online national conference is being held on 30 November this year in Birmingham.

The theme is Going for Growth: Productivity, Policy and Performance in Higher and Degree Apprenticeships.

I am inviting you to submit an outline for a break-out session to be delivered on the day.

All I need is a brief outline of your proposed content and how it fits with one or all of the main themes of the day. You will need to include a brief biography of who will be presenting too. Please send your proposal to [email protected]


If you wish to discuss or talk through your ideas then don’t hesitate to contact me: [email protected] or ring me on 07763820713. I look forward to receiving your proposals!

