UVAC HTQs Knowledge Network

UVAC HTQs Knowledge Network

The HTQ Knowledge Network originally formed out of a group of universities each of which were granted Department for Education funding to develop their HTQs in the early 2020s.

Now open to all UVAC members, and other practitioners who have an interest in HTQs (and all things technical education beyond apprenticeships), the network provides a space to meet and to share practice and insight.

All meetings (normally 4 to 5 per year) are online to ensure maximum participation opportunities. We also have a LinkedIn group where resources and ideas can be shared with networked members.

To join the meeting distribution list please email [email protected]. To request to join the Linked in group please follow this link UVAC HTQs Knowledge Network | Groups | LinkedIn.


UVAC HTQ Knowledge Network 2023-24 meeting notes now available: 

Meeting 1 – 9 November 2023 : HTQs: why they matter with Ginny Page.

Everybody seems to agree that higher technical education is a good thing, but not everybody is agreed on the reasons why. In this session Ginny Page ran through the key arguments and evidence, exploring what more needs to be done to make recent reforms work, and discussing whether it matters if HTQs serve multiple purposes.


Notes from the meeting can be found here.


Meeting 2 – 25 January 2024: Data and Employer Engagement with Chris Hobson

In delivering the DfE-funded Local Skills Improvement Plan for Leicester & Leicestershire, East Midlands Chamber – through a Knowledge Transfer Partnership with a local university – took a novel approach to both gathering and presenting secondary and primary data sets. This session explored the approach behind the creation of the new Collective Intelligence Skills Observatory, with a specific focus on the development of a new daily survey-based app used to engage a broader range of employers.


Notes from the meeting can be found here.


Meeting 3 – 14 March 2024: Findings from the Skills Commission HTQ report with Peter Wilson.

This session explored key findings from the latest Skills Commission report –“Higher technical qualifications: How to liberate employers and skill workers for the future”. After an extensive inquiry to gather evidence, the Skills Commission produced a report spelling out five key policy recommendations to improve the relevance and uptake of Level 4 and 5 Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs). The report outlines the case for HTQs being among the most efficient and accessible ways of increasing the supply of key skills required in this changing economy. The recommendations aim to help HTQs reach their full potential for learners and employers.


Notes from the meeting can be found here.


Meeting 4 – June 2024: Exploring the Potential of Digital Credentials with Yaz El Hakim


Notes from the meeting can be found here.


Meeting 5 – Thursday 18 July 2024: HTQs – why they matter with Ben Verinder

In this session Ben Verinder offered advice and guidance on marketing best practice for HTQs, based on the literature and Chalkstream studies, as well as tips on how providers can develop their own market research capabilities to support higher technical and, specifically, HTQ success.


Notes from the meeting can be found here.


HQT Case studies







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