Posted : 8 days ago by Mandy Crawford-Lee



Degree and higher apprenticeships as professional entry and progression routes

In November, UVAC is holding a series of focus groups to discuss how higher and degree apprenticeships can be improved as entry- and progression-routes in professions, as part of a study that will be published at the end of the calendar year.

Following on from interviews with professional body and provider representatives, we are holding a series
of focus groups in the middle two weeks of November.

If you would like to take part, sign up is HERE.

The purpose of the group will be to discuss what can be done to improve degree/higher apprenticeships (and similar programmes that integrate work and learning) as professional entry and progression routes.

Four groups are themed by sector, two are open – but there is flexibility if you can’t attend the relevant group or an open one – sign up for whichever is convenient (see below).

The format will be a brief summary of the research so far, followed by an open discussion and concluded with a round-up of what participants think is most important, including messages to other organisations.

We will aim for around 6 people per group, with a maximum of 10. Two hours are timetabled for each group. After signing up, closer to the time you will be sent a Zoom invite.

Groups will be recorded and will feed into the research report. Recordings will be deleted when the report is published in December. Participants will not be named, although organisations can be listed in the acknowledgements.

Follow-up actions could include for instance development of a knowledge network, opportunity to contribute and access case-studies and podcasts, seminars etc.

Tue 12th November – 10am – business, law
• Wed 13th – 2pm – open
• Thur 14th – 10am – construction, engineering
• Tue 19th – 2pm – cultural, scientific
• Wed 20th – 10am – health and social care
• Thur 21st – 10am – open

If you are involved in delivering or leading apprenticeships you are welcome to take part.

If you have any questions please contact Dr Stan Lester.


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