Keynote Speaker:
Professor David Boud
Emeritus Professor
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
University of Technology, Sydney
PO Box 123, Broadway, NSW 2007, Australia
mailto:[email protected]
Keynote title:
How would university courses differ if we took the needs of professional practice seriously?
Higher education courses don’t need to meet the needs of work, but many of them seek to do so. However, they are based around models derived from the academic disciplines. This presentation explores what courses might look like if we attended to the nature of work and the practices that graduates engage in and rethought our courses accordingly.
Deadline for Abstract Submission: Friday 15th May 2015
Final Date for registration: Friday 19th June 2015
Conference Venue: Yunus Emre Turkish Cultural Centre, 10 Maple Street, London W1T 5H (nr Warren St. tube).
Cost: £80 including conference refreshments and lunch.
How to book: There is now an online payment facility for the conference fee, which is the preferred method of payment. Please go to the link below:
For further information please contact:
Sid Bahadoor
C248/College House
Institute and Programmes Administrator
Institute for Work Based Learning
Middlesex University
Direct Line: 0208 411 5729
1 days ago, Samuel Taylor
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