Posted : 7 years4 months ago by mandy crawford-lee

THE SKILLS SHOW | WORLDSKILLS UK – Call Out for Marketing Collateral and Promotional Materials

THE SKILLS SHOW | WORLDSKILLS UK – Call Out for Marketing Collateral and Promotional Materials

UVAC will be attending The Skills Show 16-18 November 2017 – at the NEC Birmingham to promote the developments in Higher and Degree Apprenticeships.

UVAC is pleased to be sharing an exhibition stand with the National Apprenticeship Service in the university zone where a small number of universities and HEIs are also exhibiting.

We invite you to send materials you have developed to promote your Higher and Degree Apprenticeship offer to The Skills Show for UVAC to give to young people, their parents, teachers and advisers as examples of the fantastic opportunities now being created by employers, delivered by you, to support career routes into technical, professional and managerial occupations.

We ask you send your material directly to the NEC, Birmingham, B40 1NT to arrive on (and not before) Wednesday 15 November clearly labelled FAO UVAC, Stand H18-N-1, University Zone.

Any queries contact [email protected]