Register for UVAC’s 2024 National Conference and you’ll find a wide range of breakout session topics to choose from.
At this year’s UVAC conference on 6 November we’ll be exploring the theme of Back to the future in higher technical and professional education and skills and there’s a programme packed with keynote addresses, interactive sessions and a choice of 12 breakout workshops.
Each of our breakout sessions offers you a choice of 4 workshops, however, there’s no need to book ahead of the day, just head over to the session on the day.
“Fantastic content.” “…so many great conference speakers.”
Ahead of the full programme being published we wanted to share a selection of the workshops you’ll be able to access, including:
A practical application of AI: a structured way to explore enhancements to the UVAC website and knowledge base using a custom Generative AI solution to provide immediate contextualised natural language responses
Phil Sanders, Co-Founder & Commercial Director, Instro AI Solutions, Director of PS EdTech consultancy practice.
Jonathan Rogers, Co-Founder & Technical Director, Instro AI Solutions
Overview & lessons learned from UVAC trial of Generative AI technology to provide natural language support on quality assurance and policy queries for degree apprenticeship provision. Workshop will also outline how the technology has been applied to support programme planning & qualification pathway mapping via integration with IfATE Occupational maps.
Degree Apprentices for all – Reflections on Recruitment and Practice for diverse learners.
Sam Moorwood, Sheffield Hallam University
Charlynne Pullen, Principal Research Fellow, Sheffield Hallam University
This workshop will look at the recent / upcoming UVAC thought piece [insert working title] on how people of different ages, experience and backgrounds are engaging with Apprenticeships in the context of wider political, socio-economic and regulatory thinking on the skills agenda and future for the levy.
In this context the workshop will enable participants to share insights into the EDI theme that was present in the Degree Apprenticeship Funding Competition Wave 1-2-3.
Finally we will offer thinking and discussion on how these patterns and perspectives can play out in the delivery of teaching and assessment at the rock face.
Mainstreaming International Best Practice: Developing Skills Excellence
Brought to you by WorldSkills UK Centre of Excellence in partnership with NCFE, an introduction on how to embed benchmarking to create dynamic assessments that will bring the world of work to life across diverse curriculum areas. We will discuss approaches and share resources that will enable colleagues to effectively support learners to achieve skills excellence and explore how to utilise assessment methodologies mainstreaming international best practice to raise standards. As the world grapples with pressing environmental, economic, and social challenges the role of further and higher technical vocational education and training (TVET) has never been more critical. Join us as we consider the importance of fore sighting, and championing future skills to meet the needs of individuals, businesses, and communities, to address sustainable economic growth through a skills-based economy.
Managing the accountability framework risks – practical advice on strengthening your position
Tim Chewter, Strategic Development Network (SDN)
The accountability framework outlines the minimum floor of provider performance, yet provider data and strategy rarely goes beyond the basics of “where are we now”. Effective strategy and risk management in this area demands greater understanding and use of information to identify issues before they become a problem and blend these solutions into day to day performance metrics. This session will look at the key strategic data that could be used and offer advice on implementation.
Financial viability of Degree Apprenticeships
Associate Professor Rachael Johnstone, Dean of Professional Education and Partnerships & Director of the Centre for Degree Partnerships, University of Exeter
Dan Hallam, Head of Degree Apprenticeships at the University of Exeter,
Understand the financial context of degree apprenticeships, debunk common myths, and see how targeted strategies can enhance financial viability and engagement. We’ll look at how the University of Exeter make degree apprenticeships viable and the approach they’re taking to drive sustainable growth.
Recognising Prior Experiential Learning (in degree apprenticeships): New ways of thinking – Why we should, why we aren’t, and how we could be doing it.
Helen Pokorny (University of Hertfordshire)
Dr Sarah Bloomfield (The Open University)
Dr Joanna Booth (Nottingham Trent University)
Victoria Rosamond (University of Derby)
Dr Trevor A. Brown (Manchester Metropolitan University).
We will share different approaches to Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPeL) in degree apprenticeships that emerged from work within the UVAC CMDA Knowledge Network, and will have wider applications. It will be a participative session in which we explore challenges, opportunities and new ways of making RPeL work for the apprentice, employer and provider.
Advancing Technical Careers: The Role of T Level Industry Placements in Higher Education
Universities T Level Support Manager
UK Institute for Technical Skills and Strategy
Discover the benefits of hosting T Level industry placements for higher education institutions (HEIs) and their staff. Gain valuable insights from pioneering universities leading the way with T Level industry placements. Learn how and why universities should get involved including the multiple ways these placements link into apprenticeships. Find out about the extensive support available from the UK Institute for Technical Skills and Strategy.
Professions and higher-level apprenticeships
Dr Stan Lester
Stan Lester Developments & UVAC Associate
Degree and other higher-level apprenticeships have a significant role to play in opening up routes to and through professional careers. This session presents current UVAC research on how professions are responding to them and how well they are working in a range of professional fields.
Whether you attend in person or virtually ALL content is available to ALL delegates post conference, meaning that you have every opportunity to access the huge choice of informative and engaging talks, presentations, and workshops on offer after the conference.
Book your tickets now HERE or find out more about attending in our FAQs.
0 days ago, Samuel Taylor
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