Posted : 4 years7 months ago by Rebecca Rhodes

Social Worker Degree Apprenticeship

Social Worker Degree Apprenticeship

Following our successful recent forum for HEIs involved in delivering the Social Worker Degree Apprenticeship we can now confirm broad arrangements for our second forum later in 2020.

You can listen to the recording of the first forum from the webcast link in the slide pack below. To find the webcast, just click on the webcast link in the penultimate slide – the start time of each of the agenda item (see left) is also listed in the same slide.


You can download the SLIDE PACK and the AGENDA using these links.

The next Social Worker Knowledge Network Forum will take place in Late November or early December 2020 and will focus on End Point Assessment as we build up to the first EPAs due to take place in Spring 2021

We will confirm the KNOWLEDGE NETWORK date as part the release of our Knowledge Networks programme. You will be able to use the links in the programme to register for more news about the Forum and to book an early place.

If you have any queries about the SOCIAL WORKER DEGREE APPRENTICESHIP KNOWLEDGE NETWORK please contact Rebecca at [email protected]