Are you involved with, or considering, the delivery of higher or degree apprenticeships?
Jisc is exploring how digital technologies can best support the delivery of the new apprenticeship standards at higher and degree level.
Help Jisc to better understand your issues and priorities by sharing your experiences in a short survey.
In the survey you can highlight if you have practices to share, and your availability to join Jisc for a workshop on 14 November in Manchester to discuss the issues in more detail.
Please do skip any questions you don’t yet have answers to, but do share where there are any uncertainties in the free text boxes.
Your answers will help Jisc shape guidance it is producing as part of the project.
4 days ago, Mandy Crawford-Lee
5 days ago, Samuel Taylor
Please enter your details below –
UVAC’s DAKNs provide collaborative forums across a range of subject areas;
-HE Tripartite Professionals
-Management and Leadership Apprenticeships: Doctoral Studies
-Senior Leader
-Quality Network
-Social Work Network
-PCDA Network
-Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship
Booking info -
Our theme for #UVAC2024 6 Nov is Back to the future in higher technical and professional education and skills & our programme includes:
✔️ 5 keynotes
✔️ 2 whole conference presentations
✔️ 12 breakouts
It is a ‘must attend’ event.
Reasons you should book your #UVAC2024 ticket today!
✔️ 20+ sector experts presenting
✔️ 12 workshop sessions
✔️ Connect with like-minded professionals
✔️ In Person & Online conference expo
✔️ Access to event recordings for all delegates