Posted : 7 years6 months ago by mandy crawford-lee

SEEC Workshop: Academic Credit and its use at HE Level – an introduction

SEEC Workshop: Academic Credit and its use at HE Level – an introduction

The use of credit to define programmes of study and support student mobility and lifelong learning has become widespread with a wealth of reference points and acronyms including the FHEQ, the RQF, Dublin descriptors, RPL/APL, RPCL, ECTS and SEEC level descriptors. This event will introduce credit in an HE setting and explore terminology, transferability and sectoral practices around its use.

The half-day workshop on 6 October in London is designed for academic or administrative staff working in HE, FE or private providers who are new or relatively new to academic credit, credit frameworks and their uses.

Participants will gain an understanding of:

•             Credit and its definition
•             The uses of credit to support student mobility and progression
•             UK, US and European frameworks for credit
•             Recognition and accreditation processes
•             The nature and role of the SEEC descriptors
•             Institutional policies and their variations
•             Topical issues in credit and its use
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