Given the growth in the number of starts on apprenticeships at the higher level (which has inevitably drawn comparisons with the declining rate of starts on apprenticeship at level 2 particularly and, level 3) now is a good time to better understand the make-up of the higher and degree apprenticeship cohort.
UVAC in association with corporate member OCR (part of Cambridge Assessment) is carrying out some qualitative research to support a think piece outcome that will help characterise the type of learners/learning in this landscape and how this aligns with current technical education polices including reform to vocational qualifications at level 3 (including the introduction to T levels) and levels 4 and 5. Our interest is specifically in those young people progressing directly from level 3 qualification achievement into higher and degree apprenticeship opportunities.
We invite you to complete a very short Survey Monkey questionnaire as a gateway to a follow-up interview potentially.
You will find the survey here.
Deadline is Friday, 26 April 2019.
For further information or discussion contact the UVAC Director of Policy and Operations [email protected]
Please enter your details below –