Posted : 9 years8 months ago by adriananderson

Nuclear Apprenticeship Trailblazer Group looking to work with providers

Nuclear Apprenticeship Trailblazer Group looking to work with providers

The Trailblazer Group in the nuclear industry currently have four apprenticeship standards in development, and are looking to work with providers:

The standards are as follows:

  • Nuclear Operative L2 (standard submitted)
  • Nuclear Welding Inspection Technician L3 (Standard approved, Assessment Plan submitted)
  • Nuclear Health Physics Monitor L3 (Standard approved, Assessment Plan submitted)
  • Nuclear Scientist and Engineer L6 Degree Apprenticeship (Standard submitted, Assessment Plan submitted)

If this is an area in which you have an interest, and you would like to become involved, please contact:

Roland Fletcher – co-ordinator for Nuclear Group –  [email protected]