Date: Wednesday 26th March 2014
Time: 10.30am – 2.30pm
Venue: Aspect Court, Sheffield Hallam University
Facilitator: Dr Wayne Turnbull, Head of Academic Policy, Liverpool John Moores University.
Session outline: The UK Credit Forum surveyed UKHE practice in 2011. The resulting report highlighted much commonality of practice but also areas of inconsistency and variation. This session will explore these areas of variation, seek to understand the factors at play and propose ‘good practice guidance’ in the use of credit.
Of interest to: Anyone who is concerned that different practices have an impact upon the standards of awards, comparability of performances and student mobility/credit transfer. Those charged with crafting institutional academic regulation should do so in the knowledge of wider practice and sector-endorsed guidance.
Further details including a programme and booking form can be found using the following link:
Please direct any questions about this event to NUCCAT – follow the link above for contacts.
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