Posted : 11 years8 months ago by adriananderson

New guidance for Higher Apprenticeship framework developers now available

New guidance for Higher Apprenticeship framework developers now available

Developing quality Higher Apprenticeship frameworks for England

UVAC has worked with NAS and the Alliance of Sector Skills Councils to develop new Guidance that supports Apprenticeship framework developers and issuing authorities revise, develop and approve frameworks according to new requirements on the basis of employer and learner need, following the revisions to the Specification of Apprenticeship Standards for England (SASE) to amend the standards at levels 4/5 and extend higher apprenticeship to levels 6 and 7.

The guidance – Developing quality Higher Apprenticeship frameworks for England – can be found here.

If you would like any assistance in developing higher apprenticeship frameworks or delivering existing frameworks, please get in touch with us at UVAC.

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