Posted : 6 years6 months ago by mandy crawford-lee

National Audit Office (NAO) – Follow up Study of the Apprenticeship Programme – CALL FOR ACTION

National Audit Office (NAO) – Follow up Study of the Apprenticeship Programme – CALL FOR ACTION

UVAC has been liaising with the NAO about its study of the apprenticeship programme and the need to ensure its review encompasses all providers and reflects the growth and value of Higher and Degree Apprenticeships.

We are encouraging NAO to talk to key organisations in higher education, the Office for Students and QAA and secure evidence from HEIs engaged in Apprenticeship and employers and individuals using Apprenticeship provision delivered by HEIs.

UVAC’s draft detailed response to the NAO consultation is available here. Comments are welcome to [email protected]. We would encourage HEIs to respond to the consultation which provides the opportunity to comment on a variety of issues including:

  • The determination and implementation of Apprenticeship funding bands
  • The ESFA procurement of Apprenticeship provision for non-levy paying employers.

The deadline date for responses to the NAO is Friday 7thSeptember.  The NAO contacts are [email protected] and [email protected]