Posted : 7 years7 months ago by mandy crawford-lee

Invitation: UVAC National Conference 21 November 2017 #uvac2017

Invitation: UVAC National Conference 21 November 2017 #uvac2017

TitlePolicy, Partnership and Practice: Degree Apprenticeships, Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning

Date – Tuesday, 21 November 2016 from 10:00 to 17:00 finishing with a drinks reception

Venue – Birmingham, etc. venues, Maple House, B4 6TB

Target Delegates – HEIs, FECs, private / alternative training providers, awarding organisations, local enterprise partnerships, stakeholders and employers

Conference Cost – £250 per delegate

Programme Coverage:

  1. Degree Apprenticeship – the five-year vision:how HEIs and their partners should plan and prepare for the future
  2. Good Practice – Degree Apprenticeship and Work-based Learning Delivery: how HEIs and their partners   approach Degree Apprenticeship and Work-based Learning focused on the following aspects:
  • Marketing and Recruitment – successfully selling Apprenticeship to large businesses and SMEs and approaches to student/apprentice recruitment
  • Programme Design, Pedagogy, Work-based, Distance and Blended Learning – approaches to successful delivery and employer/HEI/PSRB collaboration
  • Apprenticeship End Point Assessment – integrated Degree Apprenticeships and working with Apprentice End Point Assessment Organisations
  • Productivity and Social Mobility – approaches to Degree Apprenticeship that deliver the productivity and/or social mobility agendas
  1. Degree Apprenticeship Success through Partnership: developing partnership approaches with other HEIs, FECs and Independent Training Providers; local, regional and national partnerships working with Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) and employer organisations
  2. Technical Education and Progression to Higher Education: existing and planned technical education routes to higher education and Degree Apprenticeships – implications for student recruitment and widening participation

Bookings – Via Eventbrite