Posted : 11 years10 months ago by adriananderson

HEI focus group members required

HEI focus group members required

The UK Commission is facilitating a review of Adult Vocational Qualifications in England.  The aim of the review is to create a vision and strategy for having high quality, rigorous vocational qualifications for adults that are valued by employers and individuals and are a good investment.  A brief summary of the review is here.

As part of the evidence gathering, they are holding a focus group with HEIs to gain their views on progression into HE.  Ideally they would like attendees who have a good understanding of progression and the extent to which current VQs prepare learners for a HE experience. They are particularly interested in the extent to which VQs prepare learners for progression to HE, and where improvements could be made to facilitate and enable progression.

The HE focus group will be held at UKCES Offices at Sanctuary Buildings, Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3BT between 2.30 and 4.30 on Wednesday 15th May. It will be chaired by Professor John Coyne (Vice-Chancellor, University of Derby and Commissioner at the UK Commission for Employment and Skills).

For more information please contact Aoife Ni Luanaigh, Senior Manager (Research) Direct line: 0207 227 7850; Mobile: 07717 653 203; email [email protected]