Posted : 4 years11 months ago by Rebecca Rhodes

Covid-19 Web Forum

Covid-19 Web Forum

The first UVAC Coronavirus Web Forum took place on Friday 3rd April with our first look at the impact of the virus on our apprenticeships:

During our hour long session, joined by Paul Johnson from the ESFA, discussions focused on 4 key topics :
1. Furloughed Apprentices and what this means in practice
2. Breaks in Learning and the impact on delivery and achievement in the longer term
3. Delays to EPA and the lack of viable alternatives for some programmes
4. Nursing and the need for prompt action for apprentices at or having passed elements of their Gateway

The session also included an update on policy and consultations from Adrian Anderson, UVAC CEO.

We are just finalising the FAQ document arising from the questions raised, and we will also be developing a GUIDE FOR FURLOUGHED APPRENTICES with the ESFA using the scenarios raised during the session ( and others).

In the mean time, you can listen to the web forum session HERE and download the slide pack HERE


If you’d like to hear the latest guidance, views and news, join us on Thursday 9th April at 12 noon – 1pm: REGISTER HERE

To help manage the volume of queries and shape the topics for the forum, please let us know in advance about you latest issues, queries or your advice to pass on (particularly when this has come from an official source).
Either :
Send your questions in advance to [email protected] or
Raise your question in advance through the COVID-19 Impact Discussion using the button on the front page of the CDA Home Page

We’ll be starting this week’s Forum with a quick teach-in on how to use the CDA forum and resources pages and how to post a comment, question or query and how to post a reply. We’ll also have more from Adrian Anderson on policy and consultation and the latest on guidance ….. whatever this may be….let us know what you know.

[email protected]