Posted : 7 years6 months ago by mandy crawford-lee

CONTRACTING TEMPLATE – HEI and End Point Assessment Organisation

CONTRACTING TEMPLATE – HEI and End Point Assessment Organisation

Contracting Templates– UVAC is, through our legal advisors, producing a Higher Education Provider and Apprenticeship End Point Assessment Organisation contract template.

This template is available on request to UVAC by Higher Education providers.

As with earlier UVAC templates this template will reflect ESFA’s Funding Rules and Higher Education provider requirements.  Colleagues will be aware that the choice of an end point assessment organisation for an Apprenticeship rests with the employer and the template developed will reflect this requirement and demonstrate that the employer has made this choice.  ESFA have emphasised the requirement for the employer to choose the end point assessment organisation and for the training provider to ensure the employer makes this choice.

The Higher Education Provider and End Point Assessment Organisation template will complement the existing UVAC Higher Education Provider and Employer Apprenticeship contract and Sub-Contractor contract templates.

In the development of these templates UVAC has used the same legal advisors as our colleagues at the Association of Colleges (AoC).

UVAC’s templates are specifically designed for higher education providers, but our templates share a common base with the AoC templates.  This should support HEIs and FECs in approaches to sub-contracting.  The approach adopted also enables a standardised approach for contracting to be offered by further education colleges and higher education institutions to employers and end point assessment organisations across Apprenticeships from Intermediate Apprenticeship (level 2) to Degree Apprenticeships using a master’s degree (level 7).

To request a copy of this template email [email protected]