Posted : 5 years4 months ago by mandy crawford-lee




The UVAC Autumn webinar schedule has now been published and can be downloaded HERE.

We are starting off this season’s programme with an information-packed webinar on Friday 25th at 2pm with Emilia Skora, Senior MIS Adviser at Tribal ILR which you can book by clicking HERE

Our programme contains 8 webinars both practical guides and deep dives on all the current hot topics in apprenticeship delivery, including assessing prior learning, creating the evidence pack documentation and setting a price, plus a focus on quality and performance reviews. we’ll also be running our postponed session from last summer; A practical guide to implementing aptem, onefile and letting go of the giant spreadsheet.

New for this session are our Policy Updates – these cover the latest changes or information and are based around an action plan for HEIs in response. in these sessions we will cover the OfSTED Education Inspection Framework, T-Levels for those not yet caught up with the implications of these and Subcontracting for those currently still digesting the ESFAs latest letter.

All of our webinars will include good practice from across our apprenticeship provider network and practical tips and more tools to use and adapt for your own delivery.

As ever, our sessions are open to any members of staff in member organisations and if you have any queries please email Rebecca at [email protected]