Posted : 1 year 1 months ago by Samuel Taylor

Apply today to become an expert apprenticeship training provider

Apply today to become an expert apprenticeship training provider

The Department for Education (DfE) is looking for training providers to pilot an expert apprenticeship training provider status. Through this pilot we will work with the selected expert providers to:

  *   make it easier for you to work with SMEs by giving you more access to our systems

  *   reduce the time and resource you need to commit to coaching non-levy paying employers through their digital journey

  *   give you the opportunity to identify and realise operational cost and resource savings

  *   reward and incentivise good quality delivery by allowing you to use your expert status as a mark of excellence and a marketing tool

  *   develop a new expert provider status for wider implementation after the pilot


How to apply-

This is not a procurement exercise and is designed to be a light-touch process, with minimal time required to complete the application. There is no additional funding to be awarded.

Training providers can express an interest in participating from Wednesday 13 September 2023.

Organisations wishing to participate should refer to the Guidance to check their eligibility before submitting an expression of interest Selection Questionnaire by 23:59 on Wednesday 27 September 2023.

The pilot will start on 31 October 2023.


Enquiries relating to this process can be directed to – [email protected]


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