Posted : 6 years4 months ago by mandy crawford-lee

WorldSkills UK (formerly the Skills Show) – OPPORTUNITY FOR HEIs

WorldSkills UK (formerly the Skills Show) – OPPORTUNITY FOR HEIs


NEC, Birmingham – Thursday 15 – Saturday 17th November 2018  – UVAC Promoting the Degree Apprenticeship Message – Opportunities for UVAC Members

UVAC has been invited by DfE/ESFA to have a high profile stand at this year’s WorldSkills UK and to lead work to disseminate the opportunities available through Degree Apprenticeship.

We would like to invite UVAC members and all providers of higher and degree apprenticeships to:

  • Provide materials on the Higher and Degree Apprenticeships you offer – USE THIS PARCEL LABEL with details of where to send
  • Consider joining UVAC on one day (either Thursday, Friday or Saturday) to promote and champion the overall Higher and Degree Apprenticeship offer and your institution’s work in this area

UVAC’s stand will be far larger this year with more room for promotional materials, prospectuses, visitors, etc.

WorldSkills UK is the national show event for skills and vocational programmes.  The event is visited by young people, adults, families, teachers and careers advisors from across England. It also provides the opportunity to meet representatives from colleges and training providers.  Ministers and senior officials also attend the event.

For information on how to participate and how to provide materials please contact [email protected] BY 30 OCTOBER.