Posted : 7 years10 months ago by mandy crawford-lee

WORKSHOPS to address KEY CHALLENGES in Apprenticeships: systems, processes & funding and employer engagement

WORKSHOPS to address KEY CHALLENGES in Apprenticeships: systems, processes & funding and employer engagement

Just a final reminder for those delivering Higher and Degree Apprenticeships – Strategic Development Network and UVAC are hosting workshops on 9th and 10th May, designed to help you get to grips with two key challenges:

Understanding Higher and Degree Apprenticeships and the role of the employer

Weds, 10th May 2017 – London

This one-day workshop will help you understanding what Higher and Degree Apprenticeships look like in an HEI setting, the role of the employer and the implications this has for curriculum design, on and off-the-job training, and assessment.

Cost – £275 (+VAT). Find out more and book now

Understanding apprenticeship systems, processes and funding as an HEI

Tues, 9th May 2017 – London

This one-day workshop will give you a clear overview of apprenticeship systems, processes and funding, how the Skills Funding Agency operates, and what this means for HEIs setting up their own systems to deliver Higher and Degree Apprenticeships.

Cost – £275 (+VAT). Find out more and book now

Please pass this email on to relevant colleagues and partners.

Any questions – please do get in touch with [email protected]