Posted : 5 years7 months ago by mandy crawford-lee

UVAC/ESFA Workshop: Transition of Non-levy Employers to Apprenticeship Service – INVITATION

UVAC/ESFA Workshop: Transition of Non-levy Employers to Apprenticeship Service – INVITATION

UVAC/ESFA Workshop

Transition of Employers who do Not Pay the Apprenticeship Levy to the Apprenticeship Service

WHEN: 26 September 2019

TIME: 13.30 – 15.45

WHERE: Passmore Centre, London South Bank University, 12 Borough Road, London SE1 1PX

UVAC is organising a workshop with ESFA specifically for HEIs on the transition of employers who do not pay the Apprenticeship Levy to the Apprenticeship Service.  The workshop will focus on updating colleagues on developments, review concerns and the support HEIs and non-levy paying employers will need to make the transition a success.

This workshop is specifically aimed at Higher Education Institutions.

To book a place register here. Places are limited.

For further details contact [email protected]