Posted : 8 years7 months ago by mandy crawford-lee

UVAC Response to Apprenticeship Inquiry

UVAC Response to Apprenticeship Inquiry

UVAC’s submission can be found here in response to the the Sub-Committee on Education, Skills and the Economy launched inquiry on apprenticeships. Written evidence addressing some or all of the following points has been called for:

– The target of three million apprentices by 2020, how the Government proposes to achieve this and how this may affect the ‘skills gap’
– The proposal for an apprenticeships levy and how this may be implemented
– The institutional architecture of current provision and how this may be affected by the proposed Institute for Apprenticeships
– Take-up of apprenticeships among 16–19 year olds and steps that can be taken to make more young people aware of available opportunities
– The process of applying for apprenticeships
– Routes for progression to higher qualifications for current apprentices
– The quality of, and minimum standards for, apprenticeships, and how standards can be enforced
– Lessons from other countries’ approaches to apprenticeships


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