Posted : 5 years3 months ago by mandy crawford-lee

UVAC National Conference 2019

UVAC National Conference 2019

We are fast approaching our most important calendar event – our national conference on 27 November.

We are delighted to publish the highlights from our programme.

#uvac2019 Programme highlights include:

Keynote | Apprenticeship, Technical, Higher Technical and Profession Education – where we’ve come from, where we are now and what next for higher education. Delivered by Adrian Anderson, Chief Executive, UVAC

Panel | Apprenticeships and Technical Education: The Employer and Learner Voice – What is Needed and Wanted from Higher Education and How Higher Education should respond. Chaired by Jane Baker, Director, Higher Education Qualifications, Pearson

Pointers | Vocational Qualification Reforms at 16-18, (T levels, Tech Levels and Applied Generals): Where We Are and What it Means for Future Progression Pathways to HE? – Delivered by Awarding Organisations City & Guilds, NCFE | Cache, OCR and Pearson

Update | Degree Apprenticeship External Quality Assurance of End Point Assessment – External Quality Assurance of End Point Assessment: Pilot Progress.

Reflection and HEI Priorities | Apprenticeship and Technical Education– Edge Foundation Project Findings & Launch of the UVAC Centre for Degree Apprenticeships

Workshops cover the following themes and areas of interest:

John Brightwell, Founder and Chief Technology Officer, MWS Technology | University Challenge 2 (the Techies Tale): Using Aptem Technology to Manage, Track and Comply with Work-based Programmes Based on Real Life Problems of Implementing Technology for HE Apprenticeship Delivery

Alistair Catterall, Higher and Degree Apprenticeships Officer & Jim Holyoak, Senior Lecturer and Programme Leader, Police Constable Degree Apprenticeship (PCDA), De Montfort University | The Role of an Apprenticeship Programme Leader – the Case of the PCDA

Richard Hewitt, Director of HE, Emsi UK | The Economic Impact of Increased Workforce Productivity: Attributed to Apprenticeships from the Perspective of the Return on Investment to Apprentices and Employers

Bryony Kingsland, Head of Funding & Policy, ILM | Digitalme| City & Guilds and Ann Minton, Associate Professor, Work-based Learning, University of Derby | Best Practice in Prior Learning and Initial Assessments for Higher Education Institutions

James Harrison, Academic Facilitator, Degree & Master’s Programmes: Business and Professional Practice, Otago Polytechnic, New Zealand | Using linked developmental processes of problem solving, experiential learning and research to develop and assess professional competencies

Sue Graham, Business Development Manager, Northumbria University | Delivering Apprenticeships in a University Environment – Seamless Integration or Two Worlds Collide? Findings from Research

Professor Scott S P Wildman, Centre Director, Professor of Higher Education and Human Physiology, University of Kent | Addressing Diversity: from tender to launch –the Professional Economist Degree Apprenticeship in the UK Civil Service

Jill Hansen, Specialist Technical Quality Manager, Higher Education & Coaching and Mentoring, ILM |Preparing for End Point Assessment – Chartered Management Degree Apprenticeship and Senior Leaders’ Degree Apprenticeship

Sue Parr, Director of Apprenticeships, WMG, University of Warwick & Duncan Piper-Blake, Director, The Dyson Institute of Engineering and Technology | Co-creating and Delivering the Product Design and Development Engineer Degree Apprenticeship with theUK’s leading technology company, Dyson Ltd

Professor Tony Wall, Founder and Head of the International Centre for Thriving, Institutional lead for the Inter-University Research Programme for Sustainable Development & The European School of Sustainability Science and Research, University of Chester | Turning Your Practice – in Technical and Professional Education and Skills – into A Published Paper: Meet the editor-in-chief of the UVAC Journal: Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning

James Cooke, Business Development Manager and Trevor Eeles, Pre-Sales Consultant, Tribal Group | The key to Apprenticeship Success: Supercharging the Student-Employer-University Experience

Louise Doyle and Carole Loader, Co-founders and Directors, MESMA | Apprenticeships – A Question of Quality: Ofsted…What you Need to Know and Do

Register HERE for your delegate place and an opportunity to catch-up, explore, discuss and enjoy.