Posted : 1 months ago by Samuel Taylor

UVAC Delivery of the Apprenticeship Workforce Development Programme – 2 years of support, working in collaboration

UVAC Delivery of the Apprenticeship Workforce Development Programme – 2 years of support, working in collaboration

Dr Mandy Crawford-Lee looks at UVAC’s involvement in the Apprenticeship Workforce Development Programme


For almost two years, UVAC has been delivering modules, curating bespoke support and mentoring collaborative projects as part of the DfE fully funded Apprenticeship Workforce Development (AWD) programme. AWD is being managed and delivered by a consortium of delivery partners that also includes the Education and Training Foundation in partnership with the Association of Colleges (AoC),  Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP), Strategic Development Network (SDN). Our involvement complements the other partners’ expertise in working with colleges, independent training providers, employers and other stakeholders by bringing our authoritative voice on all strategic and operational aspects of higher and degree apprenticeships delivered by universities and higher education institutions.


The workforce, made up of academics, assessors, coaches, governors, leaders, managers, mentors, practitioners, support staff, teachers, tutors (there is no limit, really) have had the opportunity to participate in a carefully curated end-to-end offer in support of the delivery of effective and high-quality apprenticeships in England.


The aim of the programme has been to tackle two key Government priorities: apprentice withdrawals and apprenticeship qualification achievement rates (QAR) through a series of intervention and prevention approaches that has included collaborative, practice-led, research and findings.


Valuable resources and practical materials from two rounds of collaborative research projects can be accessed from the resource bank HERE.


You can find the offer for apprenticeships workforce continuing professional development including live online CPD sessions as well as self-directed learning modules HERE.


The programme is fully comprehensive. It covers the end-to-end apprenticeship journey from employer engagement, pre/onboarding, induction, to curriculum design, development and redevelopment and end-point assessment (and everything in between), ensuring progression and success in apprenticeship outcomes for apprentices, employers and providers of all types and sizes.


Please continue to engage if you have already or consider the benefits for the first time.