Posted : 1 year 8 months ago by Rebecca Rhodes

UVAC 2023/24 Templates – Now Availiable

UVAC 2023/24 Templates – Now Availiable

Our 2023/24 apprenticeship services agreement with employers and our range of supporting templates are now available. Links to the suite of templates below will be distributed to members from tomorrow:

The Subcontractor and EPAO contracts, plus the Employer Responsibilities Guide to sit alongside the contract will follow later this month.

To receive our templates we would like you to do two things.

  1. Renew your UVAC membership for the AY 2023/24 with a PO or payment by BACS – notifications of membership renewal have already been sent by Karen Jones, UVAC Finance Associate, but if you need it resending then contact [email protected]OR, if already actioned, confirm by quoting your institution’s PO number when registering your interest to receive
  2. Register your interest to receive the new template(s), by email to Rebecca Rhodes [email protected]