The UVAC team has developed the following 3-hour FREE modules as part of its delivery of the DfE fully-funded Apprenticeship Workforce Development (AWD) Programme;
This programme aims to focus on the withdrawals of apprenticeships increasing the achievement rate of all apprenticeships to the DfE target of 67% by 2025. It is intended to support all providers focusing on areas of intervention, prevention, action planning and wider professional development.
We encourage you to make use of this no-cost CPD offer.
Available dates are released monthly and you can register HERE where the full course catalogue is also available to view.
Apprenticeship Action Groups
To support practitioners with action planning around improvements and addressing the risks of withdrawals and low achievement, Apprenticeship Action Group (AAGs) form a broad community of professional practice focused on particular themes and for all types and sizes of institution and organisation. The full list of Apprenticeship Action Group (AAGs) includes:
These groups are by invitation only however for the modules UVAC has created, the AAGs are indicated in the table below:
2 days ago, Samuel Taylor
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