Posted : 4 years5 months ago by mandy crawford-lee

Update – Ofsted and Degree Apprenticeship

Update – Ofsted and Degree Apprenticeship

UVAC understands the Secretary of State has made a decision that Ofsted will inspect all Apprenticeship provision including Degree Apprenticeship. We expect an official announcement week commencing 28th September.

We understand colleagues will be disappointed and concerned about this decision. UVAC has done all we can to represent sector views along with colleagues at UUK and from mission groups. We have opposed this course of action, but a decision has now been made.

UVAC has discussed this decision with DfE, Ofsted and OfS colleagues. We have a commitment that DfE and Ofsted will work with the sector, UVAC and UUK to:

• Ensure Inspection is Contextualised and Appropriate for Higher Education
• Ensure with Integrated Degree Apprenticeship Ofsted inspection and OfS regulation (together with appropriate PSRB requirements) supports and does not impede delivery.

DfE and Ofsted have also made clear their support for the Degree Apprenticeship agenda.

We would like to assure you that UVAC will be preparing webinars and related resources to support institutions in its membership with this development. We will be publishing further information as it becomes available.

If members wish to discuss this announcement, timings for implementation etc. please contact Adrian Anderson.