Northern Universities Consortium (NUCCAT) are pleased to announce the next workshops and are now taking bookings for:
Date: Thursday 14th May 2015
Time: 10.00am – 3.00pm
Venue: Sheffield Hallam University, Cantor Building, Room 9135.
Facilitators: TBC
Seminar overview:
Title: ‘I did a MOOC, now what?’ – Exploring credit and recognition approaches for MOOCs.
MOOCs are increasingly being viewed not just as isolated pockets of flexible learning but as a means of providing flexible pathways into further study. This shift raises some challenges around the quality of the learning experience, evidence of engagement and the award of credit.
This workshop will be of interest for those across the sector working in the development and delivery of MOOCs as well as those with responsibility for the assurance of quality and standards and the award of credit. This workshop will draw on the experiences of a recent MOOC pilot at Sheffield Hallam University (LINK) which adopted an innovative approach to addressing these challenges resulting in a significant number of participants undertaking further study. This interactive workshop will share the outcomes of the evaluation of the MOOC and will provide the opportunity to discuss and explore solutions to these challenges.
Further details and a booking form can be found at:
Recognising prior learning and credit transfer: Moving practice forward across the sector
Date: Monday 18th May 2015
Time: 10.30am – 3.00pm
Venue: Liverpool John Moores University, Training Suite, 5th Floor, Kingsway House, Hatton Garden.
Facilitators: Wayne Turnbull, Head of Academic Policy, Liverpool John Moores University, Rob Ward, Centre for Recording Achievement, Jo Whinham, Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) Officer and Kate Bowskill, APL Officer, University of Cumbria.
Seminar overview:
Title: Recognising prior learning and credit transfer: Moving practice forward across the sector.
This seminar will be of particular interest to colleagues working in admissions, academic registry and / or quality teams. It will:
Participants will be invited to complete a short online survey, the outcomes of which will be reported at the seminar and used to inform comparative evaluation and the development of good practice guidance. Consideration will also be given to the information about the award of credit by RP(E)L / credit transfer required to be captured and maintained for display via the transcript / Higher Education Achievement Report.
Further details including a full programme and a booking form can be found at:
1 days ago, Samuel Taylor
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