Posted : 13 years1 months ago by adriananderson

The Independent Review on Social Mobility and Child Poverty

The Independent Review on Social Mobility and Child Poverty

The Rt Hon Alan Milburn MP has launched his call for evidence.

This call for evidence asks for contributions from a wide range of people and organisations on how social mobility and child poverty can best be tackled. These include parents and young people, employers, schools, universities, the voluntary and community sectors, local government, and frontline providers.

It explores questions around how child poverty and social mobility are linked, what the challenges are and asks for ideas on what potential solutions might be. It seeks views on the Government’s strategies, ideas on how best to measure progress, and asks how projects targeting child poverty and social mobility can be set up, effectively evaluated and successfully rolled out.

The findings from the call for evidence will build on work already undertaken – including the 2011 child poverty consultation, three independent reviews by Frank Field, Graham Allen and Dame Clare Tickell, and the 2009 Fair Access to the Professions report. The responses will help Alan Milburn make recommendations on what action Government and wider society should take in order to raise social mobility and tackle child poverty.

Responses can be submitted via the Cabinet Office website until the 16th October 2011. The link is here.

If you have any questions about the call for evidence, please email the Milburn Review Team.


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