I’d like to share with you the interim report of the Future-Ready Skills Commission, of which I am a member.
Published on 6 November, we argue that the current skills system is complex and highly centralised, making it hard for businesses, individuals and providers like schools and colleges to meet the needs of their local economies.
Our interim report is based on an extensive review of the skills system, bringing together evidence from national and international experts and examples from areas that have already progressed approaches to skills devolution.
We have identified 10 things we believe must change in order to create a devolved skills system that works for employers, individuals and training providers at a local level:
I’ve attached a summary of the interim report’s findings and you can read the full report online at https://bit.ly/2oQSFJA
On behalf of the Future-Ready Skills Commission, I would welcome any thoughts or feedback you have on this subject. You can get in touch with the commission via email at [email protected]
The Future-Ready Skills Commission is an independent Commission supported by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority and made up of experts and leading thinkers from business, education, local government and think tanks.
Its primary scope is to understand how the skills system, from post-16 education through to adult skills and career development, could be shaped to better meet the needs of local economies with greater devolution across England, while meeting future challenges and opportunities in the workplace. futurereadyskillscommission.com
Mandy Crawford-Lee [email protected]
1 days ago, Samuel Taylor
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