Posted : 9 years6 months ago by mandy crawford-lee

Strategic Overview of Higher and Degree Apprenticeships – Roadmap for Engagement

Strategic Overview of Higher and Degree Apprenticeships – Roadmap for Engagement

HEFCE, in conjunction with the University Vocational Awards Council and in consultation with the Skills Funding Agency, has designed a high-level visual document for higher education institutions and further education colleges that would like more information about the apprenticeship policy and are interested in offering training for a higher or degree apprenticeship.
The strategic overview has two main aims:
·        To introduce the main strategic themes that providers need to consider and whether they wish to offer training for a higher or degree apprenticeship.
·        To signpost providers to up-to-date and detailed information regarding: the practical steps that need to be taken to offer training for a higher or degree apprenticeship; policy advice; and funding information. A glossary of terms is also included.
View the Strategic Overview here; it is located in the Skills Section of the HEFCE website.