Posted : 10 years3 months ago by adriananderson

SFA/UUK event: Growing higher apprenticeships to meet higher level skills needs

SFA/UUK event: Growing higher apprenticeships to meet higher level skills needs

Date:  Thursday, 29th January 2015
Time:   10.00 to 15.30
Venue:  Universities UK, Tavistock Square, London

This conference, organised by the Skills Funding Agency and University UK, will set out the new opportunities for Higher Education Institutions offered through the rapidly expanding Higher Apprenticeship programme. The event free to attend. Please direct any enquiries for this event to Jon Cunningham.

The conference will set out the direction of future policy and development opportunities and the vital role that Higher Apprenticeships can play in meeting the demand for higher level skills, and the support through new funding targeted at Higher Education qualifications within Apprenticeships.

The Government’s ambition, that by 2015 every school leaver considers a university degree and a Higher Apprenticeship, future employability and earning potential, was set out in a speech by Vince Cable, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills in November 2013. Ambitious plans are underway to support a step change in the number of higher apprenticeships. Central to achieving the government’s vision is the role of HEIs in responding to the identified skills needs by developing and delivering appropriate learning solutions from Level 4 through to Level 7.

The conference will include speakers from major national employers, higher apprentices, the Department for Business Innovation and the Skills Funding Agency, Universities UK and UVAC. These will provide expert and practical sessions and discussion forums on:

  • Current funding opportunities and the new funding model/mechanisms
  • Employer and learner perspectives on Higher Apprenticeships
  • The new higher apprenticeship standards – lessons learned by HEIs in developing and delivering Higher Apprenticeships
  • Quality systems for apprenticeships which include both FE and HE delivery

Booking instructions

For Further Information contact:

Jon Cunningham – [email protected]; tel: 07880 848085