Posted : 8 yearsago by mandy crawford-lee



In anticipation of possible announcements about the RoATP this week (both outcomes from the last round and the opening of the next), the RoATP webinars have been moved back to provide time for everyone to read and digest any documentation published by the SFA before the webinars take place.

The RoATP support programme is now scheduled as follows:

RoATP webinar for first time applicants: Monday 20th March 2.30 pm
RoATP webinar for second time applicants : Wednesday 22nd March 2.30pm

I hope that those already registered can attend at the revised time.

RoATP Triage sessions :  Going ahead as planned on Thursday 23rd March.
To book a 20 minute telephone advice session about your RoATP application (whether you are a first or second time applicant) please email [email protected]. Time slots will be allocated from 8am onwards on 23rd.

Whilst we hope this is not the case, it is possible that we may  have to re-schedule again if the announcements are not made this week.

If you have any queries about the RoATP, please email Rebecca at [email protected].