Posted : 7 years3 months ago by mandy crawford-lee

Quality of Apprenticeships and Skills Training Inquiry – Education Select Committee

Quality of Apprenticeships and Skills Training Inquiry – Education Select Committee

UVAC will be submitting a response to the Education Select Committee Inquiry on the quality of apprenticeships and skills training:

The Select Committee is inviting written submissions on:

  • ‘The quality of current provision, how this varies by sector, level and region, and the impact of this on learner outcomes;
  • The effectiveness of the quality monitoring system, in particular the role and capacity of Ofsted;
  • The role of the Education and Skills Funding Agency in ensuring value for money, and the impact of different funding models;
  • Quality and oversight of training provided by subcontractors; and
  • Quality of training received by the socially disadvantaged, and barriers to them undertaking this training.’

The deadline for written submissions is 5 January 2018. UVAC will publish a draft response to the Inquiry call by 15 December.

Further details of the inquiry can be found here.

We would welcome any comments on the Inquiry call and examples of practice you would like UVAC to highlight. We plan to collaborate closely with UUK on our response. Please send any comments or examples to [email protected]