Posted : 10 months ago by Samuel Taylor

Ofsted Big Listen

Ofsted Big Listen


UVAC and FIN Seeking Views

Fellowship of Inspection Nominees and UVAC are working collaboratively to gather feedback across the sector to feed into the “Ofsted Big Listen”.

Ofsted has provided a unique opportunity for the HE sector to feedback. It is important that we prioritise what really matters to help us drive the changes necessary for an appropriately robust and fair system that accurately reports quality.

Kerry Boffey, CEO of FIN, will share the findings from the focus groups and information from the FIN survey. As a former inspector for 18 years and with involvement in inspection behind the scenes on a weekly basis with FIN members, Kerry is very aware of the positive aspects of Ofsted, pitfalls and inconsistencies.


With a new Chief Inspector we have an opportunity to respond to Ofsted’s ‘Big Listen’.

Key questions we will be exploring are:

1. What do you think about Ofsted?

2. What would you like to change about the inspection process or reporting?


We want to make sure feedback to Ofsted includes full representation from our members. With the government’s aim to increase the number of higher and degree apprenticeships available, it’s absolutely critical we have an inspection process that is fit for purpose!


Please register for Ofsted Big Listen – UVAC and FIN Seeking Views on May 7, 2024 2:00 PM BST at:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

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To support the conversation on 7th May please complete a short survey ahead of our webinar.



What Ofsted will hear when it listens to training providers

Read the article written by Kerry Boffey, CEO of the Fellowship and published by FE Week HERE


Nominee Bootcamp

Fin is inviting UVAC members to join in the next Nominee Bootcamp 14th and 15th May 2024. Two discount codes are available:


FIN members use MAY16

NON FIN members : MAY15


Book on line here:

Fellowship of Inspection Nominees Events

Discover the latest upcoming events with FIN? Find out more information and book your tickets today with FIN.