The ESFA have now published an update to the Funding & Performance Management Rules. These set out the operating and delivery rules for apprenticeships from April 2018 to July 2018 (Provider Rules Version 6)
The Funding Rules written for Apprenticeship Training Providers are HERE
The Funding Rules written for Employer Providers i.e. HEIs delivering to their own staff are HERE
The Funding Rules written for Employers are HERE
To note that, currently at least, the Apprenticeship Technical Funding Guide for starts from May 2017 has not changed and is still at Version 3.
As expected, the primary purpose of this latest and interim Funding Rule publication is to set out the arrangements for implementing the new flexibility for employers to transfer 10% transfer of levy funds to another employer.
The key change in this version is how training provides can use their own 10 % transfer – this is now significantly restricted compared with earlier published plans:
(P206). If you are a training provider who is also a levy-paying employer, you must not deliver training to apprentices you are funding through a transfer. This includes where you are acting as a main provider or a sub-contractor.
However; this set of funding rules extends only to July 2018 and we can expect more changes then :
To support the publication, UVAC have arranged two webinars; each aimed at staff with different levels of knowledge:
As ever, if you have any queries in the interim, please email me at [email protected]
1 days ago, Samuel Taylor
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