If you are currently employing or have recently employed management apprentices, we’d invite you to share your experiences by completing a survey to employers about the impact of management apprenticeships.
The survey is critical to Chartered Association of Business Schools work to lobby for the future of management apprenticeships, including the Chartered Manager and Senior Leaders apprenticeships, and to do this effectively they need to gather evidence of impact.
The survey has been developed by a working group consisting of sector bodies including the Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS), the Chartered Management Institute, and the CBI. If you are delivering the Chartered Manager or Senior Leaders apprenticeships, please forward on details of this survey to your employer clients for completion.
The survey should take between 10 and 15 minutes to complete and the deadline for responses is 10am on Monday 3 June 2024
Please note:
– Any information provided in this survey will remain strictly confidential. Only aggregated results will be shared with the working group for the purposes of providing insights into degree apprenticeships. The Chartered ABS privacy policy covering the purpose and use of our survey data is available here.
– To save your responses to the survey as you go and return to it later, please click on the ‘Save and Continue Later’ icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen to obtain a link.
Thanks in advance for your support in obtaining responses to this survey. It is greatly appreciated.
1 days ago, Samuel Taylor
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