Posted : 6 years8 months ago by mandy crawford-lee



Degree Apprenticeships


The Appropriateness of the Term ‘degree-level apprenticeships’ and Push by the DfE and the Institute for Apprenticeships to Remove Degrees from Apprenticeship Standards – A letter outlining our concerns produced and coordinated by UVAC and signed by UVAC, UUK, GuildHE, Million Plus and the University Alliance is being considered by the Office for Students.  A summary of the issues raised is available HERE.


Higher Apprenticeship and Degree Apprenticeship Funding Bands – Following liaison with other representative organisations, a letter has been sent to the Institute for Apprenticeships.  The letter raises key questions regarding the purpose of and methodology for determining funding bands.  A summary of the issues raised is available HERE.


The Institute for Apprenticeships has formed a provider panel to advise on the funding bands it has been asked to review by DfE.  UVAC, following consultation with UUK, has nominated six HEI colleagues to serve as panel members.  UVAC has stated that at minimum IfA need 3 providers who are delivering/or have costed delivery for each standard under review.


To discuss any of the above matters please contact [email protected]